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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hi all,

Next Monday, 30th March will be activity as usual.

Reporting Time: 3.30pm
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall
Reporting Attire: PE Attire

Please bring along whatever relevant materials that you might need for your preparations. PLs please remind your members.


8:11 AM

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hi guys,

Hope you are all well rested after Jobweek and SUTC. Anyway, for Wednesday, there will be activity as usual.

Reporting Time:3.30pm
Reporting Venue:Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire:PE Attire

Please make sure everyone comes down for this activity. It marks the start of our 75th Campfire =) Will be getting into your committees.



8:11 AM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hey guys,

The next activity will be SUTC Preparation 2

The details are as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 11th March 2009
Time: 3.30pm to 6.30pm
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Things to bring: SUTC notes(sec twos), writing materials, PE kit


Hao Qin
Programmes Secretary '09

7:17 AM

Monday, March 9, 2009
SUTC details
Hey guys, SUTC is coming soon, so here are the details taken from Wen Hao's email, in case you didn't get it or something. It is just one day after job week, so try to pack to bag and get all the stuff you need beforehand. Also, learn the scout hymn because it might come in useful during the camp.

Scout Unit Training Camp

l 16th to 18th March 2009

l Monday to Wednesday

l Reporting time: Service Scout (Sec 3): 7 a.m.

Trainees (Sec 1 and 2): 8 a.m.

l Dismissal Time: 12 p.m.

l Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium (tentative)

l Reporting Attire: Full Scout Uniform (Sec 1 and 2)

PE Attire (Sec 3)

Personal pack list


1. 4 sets of PE attire (recommended number)

2. Sufficient underwear

3. Socks (3 socks + 1 scout sock)

4. Track Shoes

5. Full Scout Uniform

6. Sandals / Slippers

Optional Items

1. Extra set of Scout uniform

2. Warm clothing


1. Toothbrush

2. Toothpaste

3. Shampoo

4. Soap

5. Towel

Optional Items

1. Conditioner


1. Water bottle ( 1.5 litres)

2. Poncho

3. Groundsheet

4. Mess tin

5. Scout notes

6. Writing materials

7. Torchlight with batteries

8. Cutlery (fork+ spoon)

9. Multi-purpose knife

10. Hanger

11. Personal Medication

12. Ziploc / Plastic Bag

13. Ez-link card with money

Optional Items

1. Insect repellent

Patrol pack list

1. Consent forms of all members

2. Patrol 1st aid kit

3. Camera

Contraband Items

1. Soft drinks & snacks

2. Electronic devices (e.g. PSP)

3. Luxury Items (e.g. sleeping bag, pillow and etc)

4. Anti-social items (e.g. books)

5. Cell Phones (all phones will be confiscated by the J1s at the start of camp)

6. Cards (e.g. poker)

All secondary 2s please ensure that the secondary 1s are prepared for the camp. You might consider meeting up some day and revising some skills like pitching tents or etc. Be sure that your secondary 1s have all the equipment in their pack list. If they do not, bring them to the army market and get it as soon as possible. The camp is only next week.

Things to prepare

1. Patrol cheer

2. Patrol 1st aid kit

3. Envelope containing the patrol name, members names and consent forms

4. Collect all valuables to be given to the J1s on the 1st day of SUTC before horseshoe

5. Memorize the Scout hymn (everyone must know!)

Scout Hymn

Now as I start upon my chosen way,

In all I do, my thoughts, my work, my play,
Grant as I promise, courage new for me
To be the best, the best that I can be.

Open mine eyes to see things as I should,
That I may do my daily turn of good,
Let me be ready, waiting for each need
To keep me clean in thought and word and deed.

So as I journey on my chosen way,
In all I do, my thoughts, my work, my play,
Grant as I promise, courage new for me,
To be the best, the best that I can be.

An advice from the J1s: Be Prepared!

Thanks Eagle

4:19 AM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

On 14th and 15th March, we would have:
$$$$ JOB WEEK $$$$

Now, just in case you were not listening to Jeremy, Job week is an annual fund-raising project by the Singapore Scout Association to raise funds for both the SSA and your Scout Troop. During Job week, you would go around the island looking for jobs to do in return for a monetary reward. This cash would fund the HQ operation and 01 (yay!) =)

The objectives of Job week are actually to gain experience and life skills (for example, getting rejected by people, working hard, courtesy, etc). This life skills can last you for a life time =)

For this activity,
Attendance is compulsory! If you cannot attend, you should have spoken to Jeremy already, but an MC is needed if you are sick (works like an EOY, haha). On the 14th and 15th, report in full scout uniform excluding beret at 8am in the morning. You MUST report in school at 8 for attendance taking. Reporting back time would be 7pm, and if you are late please call the hotline (would be told at a later date) and inform the J1s. Dinner will be provided (Hell yeah!)

Please prepare yourselves and ask your seniors (sec 2s and 3s) and eat and rest well. You can try to climb stairs etc to build up your strength and energy that is needed for this big activity.
Things to bring for Job Week:
-Jobweek stickers and Job week cards(DO NOT EVER EVER LOSE THEM or SUTC would be fun)
-Poncho/ Umbrella in case of rain
-Street directory (don't get lost)
-Bus Guide
-Mobile phone with full battery (IMPT.)
-EZ-link card
-WATER BOTTLE (drink!)

Good jobweek locations would include:
HDB flats, Landed Property, offices, shophouses, Industrial Estate

-When approaching the public, BE CONFIDENT!
-Be courteous and polite
-Be prepared and professional
-Request (NOT DEMAND) for a job
-Suggest jobs you can do
-Always ask yourself a few questions :
-Who are you?
-Why are you here?
-What do they want?
-What can you do?
Building on this, make a script for yourself. This script should be memorized and practised.

- Contact hotline if you are demoralized
- Contact hotline if you are unsure of where to go
- Contact hotline if you are out of cards, robbed or other emergencies
- Prepare a script (Introduction, explaining fund raising project, ask for job, reiterate aims of JW)
- Drink Plenty of water
- Sec ones should go in pairs
- Amount must be equal to/ more than the amount written on your card
- Ensure that the person signs next to the card
- Remember step 3.5!
- Lose JW card!!!
- Go into dark and shady alleys and shortcuts
- Accept change and request for money
- Accept food
- Accept drinks
- Count your money in the public
More tips:
Be on your best behaviour
Smile and be polite
Keep your job week earning and target confidential!

Now, for batch targets!
Sec 1: X
Sec 2: X
Sec 3: X
Sec 4: X
Did I say batch targets were confidential?

1) Job Week routes
Have you done them? If you haven't, you are left with 3 days. Even if you have, do not just stop at the route that you planned. Think about how your route can be improved by asking yourself a few questions:
Are you spending too much time on the public/private transport? Is there any way to cut short on traveling time (combing a wider area / finding areas with more HDB flats)?
Have you taken the most efficient mode of transport? Did you check if the bus might be faster than the train, or vice versa?
What are the chances that your spots may have been taken? (This applies to spots that you might be going in the late afternoon, evening of day 1, as well as the whole of day 2)
What is your forte? Are you better at HDB flats or landed property or industrial estates? Have you ensured you chose a spot that have places that you are good at doing Job Week in?
Have you consulted your seniors in deciding where you should go? Seniors normally know where the good spots are, and I'm sure they are more than willing to share them with you.
Remember, planning routes is very important because it gives you direction and motivation to finish what you planned to do as well. Use your planned route to spur you on and keep you going for the rest of the day.

Thanks alot Eagle

8:31 AM

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hey guys,

The next activity will be SUTC Briefing & Preparation.

The details are as follows:

Date: Monday, 9th March 2009
Time: 3.30pm to 6.30pm
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Things to bring: SUTC notes(sec twos), writing materials, PE kit


Hao Qin
Programmes Secretary '09

6:44 AM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hey all!

It has been 5 hours since we last heard about Job Week (press time). Are you all prepared and all pumped up for this major annual event? There is just so many things to do to prepare for it, yet so little time! 10 days may seem like a long time for many of you, but to understand how short it actually is, ask yourself if you ever whined why the March holidays is just so short.

To help start and get you into shape for Job Week, you should begin by doing the following:
1) Job Week routes
Have you done them? If you haven't, you are left with 3 days. Even if you have, do not just stop at the route that you planned. Think about how your route can be improved by asking yourself a few questions:
Are you spending too much time on the public/private transport? Is there any way to cut short on traveling time (combing a wider area / finding areas with more HDB flats)?
Have you taken the most efficient mode of transport? Did you check if the bus might be faster than the train, or vice versa?
What are the chances that your spots may have been taken? (This applies to spots that you might be going in the late afternoon, evening of day 1, as well as the whole of day 2)
What is your forte? Are you better at HDB flats or landed property or industrial estates? Have you ensured you chose a spot that have places that you are good at doing Job Week in?
Have you consulted your seniors in deciding where you should go? Seniors normally know where the good spots are, and I'm sure they are more than willing to share them with you.
Remember, planning routes is very important because it gives you direction and motivation to finish what you planned to do as well. Use your planned route to spur you on and keep you going for the rest of the day.

2) Physical training
From today onwards, why not start getting your stamina and endurance up? Job Week is physically demanding because you are constantly on the move. For 11 hours you will be either brisk walking to the next household, or doing a good a thorough job for the household. Although it may seem easy, it will be tiring for most of you. So for a start, do spend some time to run around the field and get used to the extensive use of your legs. I'm sure this will be useful for the soon-to-come SUTC as well.

Do prepare these 2 things for the week and Job Week will be a lot easier for you!
More preparation emails will be sent for next week, so do look out for them.

Remember, Job Week is in 10 days!

Jeremy Tan

5:41 AM


Hawk Patrol 2009
Li Yi Ming (PL)
Edmund Ho (APL)
Vijay Periyannan (SU Secretary)
MArcus Peh
Chen Wen Hao (Proj Comm Chair)
Darren Foo
Tang Yuan Ming
Zhang Ren
Ho Han Yao
Colin Gan


1.Cheebohs- aka Martyrs
3. Owning ppl
4.Imba ppl like me :P



Eagle 09
Yi Ming


February 2009
March 2009


Innocence stolen without my permission
Innocence gone without my submission

Innocence lost through another’s plan
Innocence no longer for another man

Innocence turned to hatred and fear
Innocence gone, no man can come near

Innocence taken from a little girl’s heart
Innocence replaced by mistrust, you thought you were smart

Innocence disappears like dew in the sun
Innocence faded before it’s begun

Innocence obscured like a cloud over the moon
Innocence ripped away too soon
All your innocence stolen by 3 people--- Wen Hao, Darren and Zhang Ren


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Credits to eagle 09 :)